Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Past, Present, Future

Been more than a year since I last posted, but this is a post that I believe is timeless, so here it is for you again.

Where was I last year?
Where will I be next year?
Where am I now?

How have I grown over the past year?
How have I fallen?

How was my davening last year?
How is my davening now?
How do I want my davening to look in a year?

How was my learning a year ago?
How is my learning now?
How much do I realistically see myself learning daily next year?

How, and what, was my job a year ago?
How, and what, is it now?
How, and what, will it be next year?

How was school going last year around now?
How is it going now?
How will it be going in a year from now?

How many things do I regret doing this past year?
How many things can I be proud of?

How many people have I hurt?
How many people have I brought happiness?

How many people have I helped?
How many people have I neglected?

Who did I know a year ago?
Who do I know now?

Who were my friends a year ago?
Who are my friends now?
Who was I close with and how do I relate to them now?

What do I do with my days?
What do I do with my nights?

What was my relationship with my parents a year ago?
What is it like now?
What do I want it to be like in a year?

What was my relationship with my siblings a year ago?
What is it like now?
What do I want it to be like in a year?

What have I achieved over the last year?
What have I failed to accomplish during this year?

Have I been a good friend to my friends over the past year?
Have I become a better friend to my friends during this year?

Have I become a better person since last year?
Have I become a better Jew since last year?

Have any negative qualities arisen over the past year?
Have I done any terrible things over the past year?

Am I more forgiving?
Am I more trusting?
Am I more truthful?
Am I more wise?

Do I hate anybody?
Do I love anybody?
Do I want to avoid anybody?
Do I miss anybody?

Where, last year, did I want to see myself now?
Where do I want to be next year?

Where was I last year?
Where will I be next year?
Where am I now?

Cheshbon Hanefesh.....